Friday, April 22, 2011

The evil Bluetooth wear

OK OK I get that there is a rule about not holding your cell phone while having a conversation when you are driving in CT. I've seen the 'driver handheld use of cellphones is prohibited' flashing signs that they've put on the side of roads, highway overpasses, and traffic alert signs. I get it. But for the record I am quite distracted having to read those signs, so are all those people prone to text and drive. You might want to rethink your safety strategy. I don't agree with the whole no cell phone thing one asked me.

One horrible thing that is a byproduct of this new legislation- people walking around with those over the ear Bluetooth things. Unless you are actively engaged in a phone call, please take it off. Walking around with it on all day makes you look like an idiot. Seriously? Come on now. The president of the United States isn't going to be calling you about an urgent matter of national security any time soon. You're not going to be called in to perform an emergency heart surgery, and last I checked, you aren't a member of an organ transplant team.

Stop with the grandiose view of yourself and take the ear piece off please. None of us are fooled.